Young. Wild. & Growing - First Work Trip

Last week I was lucky enough to be a part of joining my team on a work trip to Puerto Rico. I've been with the compnay for about three months now and to be chosen to go on a 4 day work trip to a beautiful island was amazing. The fkying kind of sucked but it was definetly all worth it.

I was given the opportunity to learn a whole new aspect of my job and learned a lot more about my companies' work. Not going to lie, it was nice going to a beautiful island where the company paid for all your expenses. Haha.

Since it was a company trip there was of course lots of work involved. It was almost a tease being on such a beautiful island and not really being able to explore. However I am always and forever grateful to be chosen to take part of this business opportunity. It gave me a big ounce of respect to my coworkers who travel constantly for work. It is tiring and involves late nights and time changes. But it's what the work entails. 

Met some great people who are also a part of the company, based in Puerto Rico. Hearing about the unfortunate natural disaster that hit the island not too long ago. There are still parts of the island that don't have electricity, and the people are still rebuilding. But the culture and the drive of the Puerto Rican people keeps going. The smiles don't fade and the love for culture still runs deep. I personally loved the fact that everywhere we would go salsa or reggeaton was blasting through the speakers.

It was overall a very rewarding experience. It has given me the opportunity to learn a new trade for my work and learn new business. 

Always keep learning and absorbing your surroundings. You're never too old to keep learning and exploring!

Young. Wild. & Growing. - First Birthday Away From Home

This past week/end I celebrated my 29th birthday. This was my first birthday away from home. It's hard to explain the emotions I was feeling but the dominant feeling was blessed. I made a point to record everything surrounding my birthday festivities. From the point of waking up and the FaceTime with my abuelita and mama. In which you can't hear anything but they still played the mananitas for me and of course my mama made me cry. Nothing could spoil my day and the whole day my phone was just blowing up with the birthday love. 

Being away from home, family and friends is really hard but my birthday made me realize how luck I am to have the people I consider family in my life. I'm lucky to have a roommate who is also a very good friend be here to celebrate this new journey. It was bittersweet to get all the love but it was SO greatly heart-warming!

I won't give you all the details as to what happened on my birthday or the birthday weekend because I am planning on incorporating it all into a video for my YouTube channel. If you are not following yet, or want to keep an eye out for that upcoming video and take a look at others,  please do so here: Natalie Letona

Another first for me was not being able to celebrate Mother's Day with my Mama and my family. Seeing the pictures and receiving the text messages from everyone made me feel even farther away. I would have loved to share those moments with them.

As I've gotten older I have so much more appreciation for family. There are moments that we can't recreate, and I wish I was present for all those moments. But that is life, and all we can do is take advantage of those occasions as much as possible. 

That being said, it was an overall first for me this week and weekend. It's all part of growing up and we all have to do it. But I am forever blessed to have such amazing people in my life!

Young. Wild. & Growing. - Three Different Spanish Dialects

Some or maybe none of you know, but I am half Guatemalan and half Salvadorian. Growing up I had to master two different Spanish dialects. And if you are not a fluent Spanish speaker or are unaware that there are different dialects in the Spanish language, there are. So, even though the majority of Spanish is the same, there are certain phrases and words that mean something different in another Spanish dialect.

When you take a Spanish Class you are learning what we call "proper Spanish" which originates from Spain. This is supposed to be the generic Spanish that you are supposed to use when writing a Spanish platform to translate your English speaking channel to Spanish. However, if you are aiming for a certain demographic of Spanish dialect, you would of course correspond your website and or business to that Spanish dialect.

That being said, when I moved to San Diego, the majority is Mexican. Being that I came from a city where the majority is Central American, I didn't realize how different Spanish dialects can be. For example, for me "poporopo" meaning popcorn, is said completely different in Mexican Spanish; they refer to popcorn as "palomitas". To me, "palomita" is a small dove, so when I first heard that word I looked at the person in bewilderment because in my head I was like "I don't want to eat small doves". It sounds stupid on my part to think that's what they were referring to, and if you're Mexican I hope you are not taking offense, but this just goes to show that there can still be language barriers within the same Spanish language.  

I enjoy learning the different words and phrases. There is still so much more that we can all learn from each other. Being that I just moved to Seattle I find myself communicating with much more Puerto Ricans through work. They also have different phrases and mannerisms they go by. So I guess I can start adding another spanish dialect to my list!

When it comes to language barriers, I think when you come across someone who speaks another language or even dialect than the one you are familiar with, try and learn some common phrases. 

Tell me about your experiences with different dialects or languages and leave a comment below! I would love to hear your stories.

Young. Wild. & Growing- Growing Pains

Although I am absolutely loving this new chapter in my life, there are a few little things that I find myself missing from home. For starters, my family. I talk to my Mama and my Abuelita just about every day just like I did at home, but what I am really missing is that big sweet hug only your mama or Abuelita can give you. The kind of hug that consumes you and makes your heart feel the love! But, thank goodness for technology and the lovely tool of FaceTime because I'd probably be doing a lot worse! HA!

The hardest thing - in my opinion- about moving to a whole new place without your family around, is that affection we all took for granted. As the saying goes, "you don't miss it until it's gone." It has been about three weeks since I last hugged my Mama and I'm craving that. Call me a big baby if you want but my Mama is my world!

As stated in my last post, this is my first time being so far away from home and my family. What makes my days better is being able to hear their voice or see their face via FaceTime. This gives a temporary solution for the longing that I have for my family. I know that when I do finally go home for a visit, I'm going to get in as many hugs as possible! HAHA! Gotta keep myself sane until I visit home again!

Alongside my family, my friends have also been amazing in reaching out to me. Letting me know that they miss me and how admirable they feel towards me. Stepping out of my comfort zone and going for what I want in life. My closest friends know just what to say to me and don't ever seize to disappoint me!

I also find myself missing my dogs. Call me a crazy dog lady if you want, but unless you've owned a dog and have had to leave them behind for a long period of time, you know exactly how I feel. It's like a phantom limb; I find myself reaching out for my dog but she's nowhere to be found or held. That kills me. WAHH! LOL! It's like leaving your child behind. I've had that pup for 9 years so of course, your dogs become like family. 

Being that I can't have my dog with me at the moment, I find that I need something to take care of. I have two plants that I have been taking care of, but I need an animal. I guess I am one of those people who just need an animal around. All my life I grew up with furry creatures, and not having any is a little weird. So, I may just invest in a little critter. Small enough for it to not take up much room but social enough that I can caudal it-like a rat. Before you get all grossed out, I had a rat in the past and he was the sweetest thing ever. He would sit on my shoulder and he loved to be all bundled up with me, we were homies. So yes I may just get another rat for some much-needed animal stimulation. 

Although I am majorly homesick, I know I made the right decision in moving out here to Seattle. I am loving this new atmosphere and love getting to know my neighborhood and the beauty of it all. These are all growing pains, and we all go through them more than once. It's hard at first, but we always come out okay. I just have to keep praying and thanking God for putting me on this path because He knows why He put me here. And I am grateful for it all!

Young. Wild. & Growing- New Chapter

Hello everyone! 😁

Sorry I have been MIA for about a month, but as many or none of you know, I have been busy making grown woman decisions. I had decided to take a job in Seattle Washington and had been in process of moving myself up here. It has been hectic, stressful, and oh so ever blessed! But I am here, and I'm SUPER excited to get this new journey started. 

It has been about 9 days since I arrived. Talk about a total change of weather and atmosphere! I went from Sunny San Diego, to Rainy Seattle and I absolutely love it! I haven't taken much time to explore just of yet, for I have been busy organizing my new place and I have finished the final touches this past weekend. That is until I get more of my things shipped from home. LOL 😅

The little that I have been able to explore so far has been my neighborhood in Ballard and we took a look at the Fremont Troll. I took a run the other day to the beach which is literally 10 minutes away from my new place! I love it! I love the ocean and I love the fact that it's so close by. I have yet to go sit out there and watch the sun set but it definitely is on my to-do list.

The Seattle scenery that I have been lucky to see almost on the daily so far is absolutely breath taking! When the skies are clear you can see the snow capped mountains in the distance as well as the lining of tree canopies. It's absolutely beautiful! May be a little chilly than I'm accustomed to but I think I'm adjusting well. 

The weather has been rainy thus far but it's what you are to expect. However this past weekend, Sunday to be exact, there was no rain at all. For the exception into the evening hours. Luckily I love the rain so it doesn't bother me. It's pretty sporadic at times too, when it rains it doesn't always rain all day, sometimes it comes in hourly incriminates. Therefore you have to be prepared for the sudden weather change! 

My mother, the beautiful wonder woman that she is, helped me out on my move to Seattle. From San Diego, CA, through Oregon and straight into Washington. She spoiled me by helping me settle in and get the necessities I would need for my new home. I truly enjoyed our bonding over the 20+ hour journey to Seattle and I wouldn't have had it any other way. ❤️

I was sad to see her go and I cried like a little baby when I took her to the airport. But I mean, c'mon, that's my mama, and I have never lived in another state and have her be so far away before.  I seriously have no words on how amazing my mama is and I don't think I will ever find the words to truly describe her! But they are growing pains and I know this is what I had to do for myself to be able to grow independently and start anew.

That being said, it doesn't even feel like I've been here a little over a week but it is starting to feel like home. It was a big leap I took, and I am lucky and blessed enough to have a friend to share this experience with and this new job opportunity. I am excited to see what this new life entails and you will definitely be hearing the details!

Natalie has flown the coupe and is ready to grow even more! 🤗

Young. Wild. & Frustrated. - Putting Your All

We all reach a point in our lives when we’ve been pushing and grinding for what we want to achieve. Sometimes we get to that point more than once. Lately I find myself there—in a constant limbo.

Pushing and grinding towards my wants, goals, and needs there is still that extra inch I need to reach. I can see it, I know it’s there, I just don’t know when I will reach it. It’s so frustrating in many ways but at the same time my stubbornness and ambitions are much more than an inch. Hell, they’re like 12 inches! I know what I’m doing is right, and I know I can still keep pushing for better and more. That’s the double edge sword. You know what you have in front of you, it’s just finding the right step-in to give you that jump start you need. 

We take things at our own pace. And many of us, without wanting to, end up comparing ourselves to our friends or those we see are in the circumstances we want to be in. It shouldn’t discourage you, it should pump you up even more! When you know your worth, and you know what you can bring to the table, there is no stopping your grind. Yes it may take longer than others, you may fail more than you achieve, but they are all lessons. Learn from them and build from them even more. 

Therefore, I keep pushing, making my way up the latter, and helping as many people as I can while doing it. Yes it’s frustrating knowing what I want is in arms reach, but it ain’t gonna stop me from holding it in my hands.  

I know my worth.  

Poetry - Find the Light

In the pit of darkness you can still find the light.

It may not always be physically there, but it is within you. 

No one can keep you in the darkness. 

You, yourself, decide to blow it out.  

Keep that light shinning, light that flame, keep it alive.  

Poetry-Push Foward

Everything will lay itself out.

Trust in faith and know everything happens for a reason .

But sometimes you just need to take action. 

Grab the bull by the horns and say ‘hey, you ain’t going anywhere.’ 

Make it work. 

And if it doesn’t... 

You can at least say you tried.



Poetry - Lost But Found

You ever feel lost but still know where to head? 

You see your journey, but the pieces you still need to attend.

You know what you want, yet you don’t. 

Time seems to move steady, then in a blink, your future is in hold.  

Keep in full faith things will piece together.  

Do not fear being alone; for sometimes in the silence, we find our truth.  


Young. Wild. & Frustrated - 2017 Reflection

Well, the year is coming to an end and soon it will be 2018. 

As we get older, most of us see that time seems to go by as a quick as an eye can blink. I'm not one to really make new years resolutions, but set goals for myself and the next 12 months. By doing so I reflect on what it is I have accomplished and the different paths I have come across the past year. The lessons learned, the pain that I felt and the inner peace. People I met and experiences I have gone through.  

Every year is a new beginning, another 365 days. What I have come to realize is that even though time flies by so quickly, there is still so much time to really focus and accomplish things to better your situation, yourself, and grow. 

There have definitely been ups and downs this past year but without the bad, we can’t appreciate the good.

I went into 2017 jobless and doubting myself and my career. I was lucky enough to get a job at the beginning of 2017, even though it wasn’t something that was my first choice. I had to make a sacrifice and JUST WORK! I took this time to really focus and reevaluate my situation. I took a chance and reached out to old colleagues and professors to see what my next steps should be. Long story short I took a class to see if I still had what it took to be a Copywriter. Turns out-I do. I know what I’m doing and even more so I love what I do.

Shortly after I started applying more and more for positions in San Diego and other cities. I came upon a great opportunity to work as a Copywriting intern at an amazing local agency. I learned so much from those few months and made some great connections. I also came to find that even though it was a lot of work, tight turnarounds, and using parts of my brain that I hadn’t used for so long, I loved EVERY SINGLE SECOND.

Unfortunately, there were no open positions for a Junior Copywriter so again I am heading into the new year jobless. But in my heart, I know everything is going to be okay. 

Along with many new experiences and learning lessons the past year I met some amazing people along the way.

One of which has helped me so much in the last 6 months that I am forever grateful for his kindness and openness to grow with me. Unique in his own way, I am very glad we crossed paths and are continuing to push each other along our journeys. 

So I bring in the new year with open arms, ambition, and goals. I know what I want out of this next year and I’m going to take as many steps possible to achieve them!  

Happy New Year to you all and thank you for your continuous support! I will be back with much more material next year! 🙌🏽 


Poetry - The City By The Bay

I left my heart in the big city.

The lights call my name the same way you enter through The Bay.

Every other year I get to travel back. 

And every other year I never want to leave. 

It's calling me, pulling at my heartstrings.

I belong here. 

There are reasons why things haven't worked in SoCal. 

Although a beautiful town as well, the Golden Gate calls my name. 

One day I will permanently find my way back.

And my heart will be complete.

Young. Wild. & Frustrated. - Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Life is inevitable.

We are constantly being tested and pushed to the limit. Stepping out of our comfort zones is one of them. But what some people don't realize, that when the shit hits the fan, we go all out to find a solution. We tend to think quicker, think more logically, anything to find a solution. Then there is the opposite of that, those that think to themselves, why me, why now? And are so overwhelmed with being shoved out of their comfort zone they just break down and can't handle the pressure. 

In my life, I have been outside of my comfort zone plenty of times. More times than I have ever wanted to. But because of these life lessons and these shoves outside of my comfort, I am the person who I am today.

Yet again I find myself outside of my comfort zone. But this time I am more prepared than ever. Lately, I have purposely been putting myself outside that box. For example, this blog. I was afraid of what people might think, how they would judge me, but in the end, I realize I am not doing it for them I am doing it for myself. To be a better writer I have to be able to speak on topics that will make me uncomfortable. Be able to speak my opinion on things that matter to me and speak on topics that will be criticized and ripped apart. No, not everyone will agree and no I will not please everyone, but that's the beauty of it, I do it to make MYSELF happy. 

Someone close to me has made me see what I always saw in myself, but was too afraid to fully express it. As they have said plenty of time,  would you rather be pushed off the cliff or jump off? Given the choice, of course, I would want to jump off, better I decided to take the leap then someone shove me off. Granted I have had my fair share of shoves off that cliff. But the past year I have decided to take more leaps. 

Being put outside your comfort zone is scary. We are comfortable with the routine, we as humans like knowing what's going to happen the next day and the day after that. But the funny thing about life is that there is always something or someone that will push you off track. But you have to have faith that everything will be okay. But you have to listen and pay attention to the signs. 

I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason. But for the longest time, I had been that sheep to stray away. I stopped listening to the signs because I was caught up in my own little world. Striving for what I really wanted seemed impossible, so I settled. But not anymore. I am hearing the bell to come back to the flock. I am listening to the signs with open eyes and ears. Faith in Him is giving me the strength to realize that I am never really alone. I know He has a plan for me, and He has been waiting for me, patiently to hear that bell once again. 

I like to think that the people we meet have an impact on our lives. Whether it be for a short time or a lifetime. A special someone I met along this path of life, is helping me find my way back to the flock. They have been my guide and someone I've come to admire, respect, trust and care for. They have treated me in such a way that just makes me awe. This person, I believe, has made me truly see the person I am supposed to become. Therefore, I am eternally grateful for them. I only hope I have been able to provide the same in his life. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone is going to happen. It's a part of growing up. We learn to grow with it or dwell in the past and live vicariously through others. If there is something you want in life and you know the risks are high, but you know, if done right it's going to make you happy, then jump of that cliff. Better I tried than what if. 

Wear Pink - Breast Cancer

As many of us know, October is the month for Breast Cancer Awareness. In the continuous fight for the cure, I wanted to share a personal story about my experience with breast cancer. 

First off, I did not have breast cancer. However I was affected very closely by this. My grandmother, a few years ago was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember coming home to the news that they had found a tumor in my grandmothers left breast, and that she was to start chemotherapy soon. Luckily my grandmother was very good about getting checked regularly so the doctors caught it early enough. The unfortunate thing was that she had breast cancer and would have to undergo the treatment. 

At the time I was still going to school full time, so I would take my grandmother every week to receive her chemotherapy. With good attitude my grandmother took her treatment like a champ. It was amazing to see my grandmother so strong through all of this, even though it was making her sick at times and I could see there were times she was afraid, and it would get harder for her to get up to go to therapy. But her faith in God kept her strong, and with the love and support of our family, she was able to keep pushing herself to treatment and stay up to date with all the other medications and appointments she had to endure leading up to the surgery. 

In light of early detection, the doctors were able to get all of the tumor out of her breast tissue before it spread. Following surgery, there was a year of  monthly check ins to make sure that the tumor wouldn't grow back. There was a point where we thought it was going to start showing up again, but eventually, after a year she was in the clear. I remember her coming home with a big smile on her face that she was officially cancer free! Tears of joy came to my face, and to think that just a year ago I knew it was a possibility that I was going to lose my grandmother. 

Cancer is a scary word and not many woman who are diagnosed with breast cancer survive. Those who get through their treatment are so strong. In honor of my grandmother being a breast cancer survivor, I dedicated my very first tattoo to her. A cancer ribbon that ties into a heart with her initials. When I showed my grandmother she teared up and I was happy to still have her in my life. Even though my tattoo is dedicated to my grandmother, it also symbolizes the faith and support for past, present and future breast cancer patients. 

So for October reach out to a survivor, or give your part and support The Fight Against Breast Cancer. Not just this month, but all year round.

I know I will never forget how it affected my family, and we are stronger for it. 

CLICK THE LINK TO DONATE>>Susan G. Komen For the Cure

Suicide and Mental Health

Suicide:  the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally.

Mental Health: a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.

For many these topics are taboo. It''s sensitive to touch upon. But in light of Suicide Awareness Month, I feel these topics need to be addressed.

Everyone has been affected by suicide in one shape or form. It's inescapable. We have all had family, friends, and even ourselves, that have been touched and or thought about suicide in some part of our lives. Suicide not only affects the individual but everyone else around that individual. 


  • Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.
  • Each year over 4,000 Americans die by suicide
  • For every 1 suicide, 25 attempt
  • On average there are 121 suicides a day
  • Firearms count for 50% of suicides
  • Suicide rate is highest mid-age 
  • Men die by suicide 3.5x more than woman


Let me just say now, you are not weak if you have ever thought and/or tried to commit suicide. You are still here. You fought through, or continue to fight through, whatever it was/is that eats at you. Unfortunately this isn't the case for everyone.

Those people who have chose this tragic end aren't weak either. Many people may argue with me on this, but these people have been battling with whatever demons they had inside of them. It's not an easy decision to make and for many it is the only option they think they have to escape. 

Without mentioning any names, throughout my life I have had a handful of people I have been associated with, and/or really close to that have either attempted or committed suicide. Two different types of personalities in this case, is bullying and depression. Two completely different people with totally different situations, both of which attempted suicide more than once.

  • Person Number One: Had a family that was constantly belittling them. Making them feel worthless, stupid, anything that they would do wouldn't be anything in comparison to their other children. They had already attempted suicide once, this was before we had even crossed paths. They took a knife to their wrists, and cut themselves. According to them, they're family didn't take it that seriously. They took it as a sign for attention. Many may argue that it is. I have to agree, it is a call for attention, but it is also screaming for help. It's a "look at me, I'm not okay."
  • The second attempt, I was present. I did everything in my power to stop this person from running into the street to be hit by the next coming vehicle. I literally held this person down, cried with them and told them this wasn't a solution. After what seemed hours, I finally got them to get back into the car and wake up their parents in the middle of the night to speak with them. Both of us crying, I tried to tell their mother that this was serious. It should't just be brushed off. And even in that moment, even though they were claiming they knew it was serious, I didn't feel the compassion. I didn't feel the necessity or the light going up inside their head that they needed help. In this likelihood, there was an improvement in attitude. Just because someone cared enough to stop them and take steps into making things better, was all this person needed. 

For some this is just enough. For others, it's more mental than that.

  • Person Number Two: This other person suffered and still suffers from chronic depression. Two attempted suicides but luckily neither took away their life. It's a daily battle and for someone who suffers chronic depression, the smallest thing can trigger suicidal tendencies. But with therapy and medication, these thoughts and feelings have been controlled. It's an everyday struggle and another lived day is another day of strength. 

Two different scenarios, two different reasons. The point is you can't put people with suicidal thoughts into a category box. There still is so many more reasons than research has taught us about suicide. Ironically, those that suffer the most, hardly ever show signs of depression and suicidal thoughts. This is why it takes many of those people around them in a whirlwind of shock. 

There are so many- I wish they would have told me, I wish I would have paid more attention. The truth is, when someone is that depressed, there is nothing we can really do. The best thing, in my opinion, is to tell them that we are there for them, no matter what. If they do open up to us, get them help. And if anyone ever tells you not to say antyhing, that's the worst thing that you can do for them. Silence is deadly. 

Things You Can Do For Your Own Mental Health

For starters, find something to ease away any negative energy. Something that will relax you, something that will let out all that aggression in a healthy way.

For example, when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed, I work out. I also write down my thoughts in my journal or in poetry. I color or paint to ease my mind. Those are all sorts of mental therapy, FOR ME.

One major thing, in my opinion, talk to someone. Go to someone you trust, speak out your thoughts and stresses in your current life. Sometimes that's all we need to do is vent, get things off our chest, and just let someone else hear it so we know it's not all in our heads. 

Remember that it is okay to cry. Cry out everything that you are feeling, these are also known as emotional tears. Emotional tears may have many health benefits; emotional tears contain stress hormones and other toxins. Researchers have theorized that crying flushes these things out of your system, though more research is needed in this area. Crying for long periods of time releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, otherwise known as endorphins. These feel-good chemicals can help ease both physical and emotional pain. Once the endorphins are released, your body may go into somewhat of a numb stage. Oxytocin can give you a sense of calm or well-being. It’s another example of how crying is a self-soothing action. (source:

Lastly, never apologize for your emotions. 

If you or anyone you know has suicidal thoughts or just needs to speak to someone, call 1-800-273-8255.

There is always hope.


Latin Made - Mi gente, enseñame tus banderas. 

Born in May of 1989, in a hospital in Redwood City California, I Natalie Letona, was the first born of two Central American parents. 

My father (may he rest if peace) was born in El Salvador. He and his five brothers and sisters immigrated to the states when he was just 12 years old. They settled in San Francisco where in my father's teenage years settled into the American way. He was a total B-Boy back in the day and had his own swag. I am first generation born in the states on my daddy's side.

My mother, first generation in the states, comes from Guatemala and Mayan ancestry. My grandmother was born in Guatemala as was my grandfather. After settling in with each other and both working to provide a better life for themselves they settled down and made a family together. I am second generation on my mother's side. 

Then you have me, Chapin y Gunaca. Central American made and proud! Growing up in San Francisco, I was surrounded by my Central American people. Then when we moved to San Diego we (my family) became the minority of the Hispanic culture. Of course living in San Diego the majority of people assume I am Mexican. I light heartedly tell them, "No I'm not Mexican, I'm half Guatemalan and half Salvadorian." Most people find it interesting, and then you get those select few who say, very ignorantly, "It's the same thing." I'm sorry but no, it's not. Not that I am offended to be associated with my Hispanic brothers and sisters, but our cultures are different. Our histories are different, our language and phrases are different as well. I am offended at the ignorance. 

Some of my best friends are of Mexican ancestry, and the majority of the men I have dated are of Mexican decent. This has taught me the differences in our cultures and traditions. With light hearted comparison, we have learned from each other and have learned to appreciate each other's different backgrounds. 

I take a stand with my Hispanic brothers and sisters. Now more than ever we have to stand together. Proud and loud! We are here, our families go back generations in this country. Still rooted to our cultures, we have grasped into the American way, and we have a great impact in this country. 

I am Latina, and I am an American. I am proud of where I came from and I have great sight of where I am headed. 


Young. Wild. & Frustrated - Judgement

Judgment: the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion

Let me just say now, judgment isn't always a "bad" thing. Our society has come to develop this word into a negative connotation. But as the definition above explains, judgement is also a formulated opinion about someone.

As many Latinos know, our families can be the biggest judges to anything and everything we do. Especially when it comes to relationships-friendly and/or romantic.  

Friendships we develop through grade school and on will always be judged in one way or form. By the way they dress, the way they talk, their families and most importantly their actions.

Growing up Latina I was always told to be careful who you bring around. Family talks, the chisme starts, and stories formulate even before they know the whole story. Not necessarily meant in a bad way, but meant to be a warning for the person I'm bringing around to know my family will make you uncomfortable. They want to know how well you will fit into the dynamics of the family. Will you fit in, or will you be scared away?

As bad as it sounds this is for more romantically based relationships than anything. If you're a friend, they welcome you with open arms. Not to say that if you're romantically involved they don't do the same, but they make things just a little bit more, warranted if you may say. 

Why am I bringing up this topic? My mother has taught me to be open minded. To see the world not as it is but what it could be. To see people's actions with reason; to ask myself-why is it they act this way? I have always been intrigued with human nature, the way we think, how nature vs. nurture works in our development, and the way the human brain works. Which lead me to love the human psyche. But that's another topic entirely.

As humans, we are natural to judge those that are different from our beliefs, views on life, the way they dress, and etc. 

I think growing up as Millennial, and with the development of social change and acceptance, we as a society are promoting less judgment. They are telling us to embrace our differences and our uniqueness.

For example, letting overweight or "plus size" models, such as Ashley Graham, be okay to flaunt and strut their stuff without having to feel ridiculed for their cellulite and tummy rolls. Thus becoming role models for younger woman now and for the next generation. 

Still this does not mean that there aren't people judging them. There will always be those who will judge you for everything that you do. Thus, judgement is inevitable. What we can do, as I myself have been trying to do, is judge less. Stop with the snide comments, stop with the "what the f*ck is that?" and just sit back and observe without judgment. 

Again, being Latino, the chisme is heavy with our generations. But, all it takes is that one person to call it out and say-why do you have to be so judgmental? Granted some may take offense but then it may lead into conversation of how much we/they actually judge.

Those who judge will never understand, those who understand will never judge.
— Wilson Kanadi